1992' BMW 525 photo #1
1992' BMW 525 photo #2
1992' BMW 525 photo #3
1992' BMW 525 photo #4
4 photos

1992' BMW 525

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Published 21 December 2021ID: KjvDIm
3 years ago

Information from the owner

Age: 29 years
Mileage: 390000 km
Transmission: Manual
Exterior: Nerf Bars

Seller's comments about 1992' BMW 525

I will sell a BMW 525 TDS 2.5l E34 143KM 1992. A few years ago, the clutch, all rocker arms, shock absorbers, springs and sills were replaced, and recently a set of glow plugs. The car is operational but has not passed technical tests due to illegibility of the mileage display.

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