1979' Chevrolet Caprice photo #1
1979' Chevrolet Caprice photo #2
1979' Chevrolet Caprice photo #3
1979' Chevrolet Caprice photo #4
1979' Chevrolet Caprice photo #5
1979' Chevrolet Caprice photo #6
6 photos

1979' Chevrolet Caprice

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Published 19 July 2021ID: 2LY6xt
3 years, 5 months ago

Information from the owner

Age: 42 years
Mileage: 22651 km
Transmission: Automatic

Seller's comments about 1979' Chevrolet Caprice

The car is in very good condition, regularly serviced, after a major inspection. Due to the fact that the paintwork is original, it is slightly faded on the roof, hood and trunk, and worn on the edge on the roof. Only the right door was once made. Moreover, the car is in very good condition, both mechanically and with paintwork. It is rare to find a car from these years in such a good condition / without renovation / that is in the original, which undoubtedly affects the attractiveness of this vehicle. The price for this condition is very attractive.
I invite you to a visual inspection, a ride, and ....... purchase of course, and then it's just a fantastic experience using such a unique vehicle.
Technical inspection until: 07/07/2022
liability insurance for a month

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